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Leading VR Technology For Schools

Improved engagement and interaction.
Increased knowledge retention.
Exciting experiences.

Take your classroom to the next level!
Immersive Learning Experience: Only with ClassVR

Solutions IT provides the best virtual reality solution to innovative educational institutions across Western Australia. Through ClassVR, we help teachers and students transform the learning environment into a sanctuary of positive engagement, real-time interaction, and immersive experience.

ClassVR-Solutions IT
VR Headset-icon

Virtual Reality

A complete standalone and classroom-ready headset that delivers a fully immersive VR experience with no additional devices needed.

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Central Headset

Real-time and fully integrated control platform where you can easily manage content, monitor student attention, and maximize learning time.

Curicculum Aligned-icon

Curriculum Aligned

Wide range of pedagogically sound and engaging educational content that improves students’ learning experience in any subject.


Setup, Training,
and Support

A local and personalised support to help you setup and use the technology easily and successfully.

Award-winning Virtual Reality Solution for Your Classroom

Making VR a part of classrooms across the globe since 2017, ClassVR is the most awarded educational virtual reality technology that creates next-generation learning environments for students in over 100 countries worldwide.

Stories and Case Studies

St Mark's Anglican Community School
Seeing is Believing

Having worked hard to establish first-class facilities, St Mark’s strives for continuous improvement and innovation. When longstanding technology partner, Solutions IT, introduced ClassVR to the school, its potential to enhance education delivery and give students rich experiences was immediately clear.

Discover amazing stories from teachers around the world!

Students were excited to be given building challenges in Minecraft as game-based learning. They took a further pride and ownership of their creations when they were able to bring their work from the digital world into their physical environment and manipulate it using ClassVR.

- Emmanuel College, AU

ClassVR helped the children to engage with the task and gave them inspiration for how to describe the sights, sounds and smells of the trenches. This immersive nature of VR helped them think more creatively and their work was imaginative and detailed.

- Crowlands Primary School, UK

The students were engaged and highly interested in exploring and learning with ClassVR. Since students were “wowed” by the scenery, they were eager to share their description of the setting and the words came easily.

- Trevilians Elementary School, USA
Discover the next-generation classrooms

Experience Immersive Learning, with us!

Paul Dionysius
Preparing Students with Future Skills

The skills that employers are looking for are changing — away from passive, knowledge-based skills toward creative problem-solving, analytical thinking, design, and collaboration. In this session, educator Paul Dionysius will share how Apple technology enables their students to do real-world work with real-world tools. We will also explore ways to bring student ideas to life with design and app development.

Robert Dodds

Head of Innovation
Robert Dodds has led and implemented innovation and transformational change in both primary and secondary schools in the UK and Australia for over two decades. He is motivated by a passion for innovative pedagogy, an obsession with technology, and a deep loathing of the six most dangerous words in education: ‘That’s how we’ve always done it’. As Head of Innovation at Methodist Ladies’ College, he currently leads the development and implementation of pioneering future-focussed learning which not only prepares students to thrive in the future, but to actively shape it for themselves. Originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland, Robert is a teacher, author of books and interactive resources, Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, vocal eSports advocate, and an experienced and sought after presenter.

How can we help?